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Adam Cvijanovic

Adam Cvijanovic

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10,000 Feet, 2012

"In this landscape painting, I depict central Indiana from a vantage point of about 10,000 feet above the ground. I have always found this kind of midwestern landscape viewed from the air startling and amazing—especially in the summer, when the varieties of saturated greens and browns organize into a relentless grid. Just by virtue of its breathtaking scale, the landscape takes on an almost surreal rationality. With this painting, I want to give the viewer a chance to float above the fields and their paradoxes, and to feel a completely different sense of space than one might expect from a hotel hallway.

In 10,000 Feet, the landscape is framed by a trompe l'oeil opening in the wallboard. The edge of the painting is an image of the wall on which it sits, but smashed open. The pair of doors in the center float against the fields and clouds, further playing with the idea that the visitor could "walk into" the painting. This mural speaks to my continuing interest in the sublime and the mundane, the
natural and the staged."
— Adam Cvijanovic (Brooklyn, NY) 

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